A Customer meet organized by Bank of Maharashtra

Bank of Maharashtra, Delhi Zone organized a Customer meet on 28.6.2014 at Scope Complex, Lodhi Road Delhi. Around 150 – 200 valued customers of Bank of Maharashtra participated in the meet along with Branch Managers & staff of the bank. Mr. V.K. Sharma, Delhi Zonal Head presided over the function.
Famous personality in the field of Hindi literature and great Hindi poet Dr. Kunwar Bechain graced the occasion as Chief Guest. Incoming Zonal Head Mr. C. K. Verma, and Mr. R.C. Goyal, Deputy Zonal Manager were also present. The function commenced with the prayer of Lord Ganesha. At the out set a short film reflecting the glorious history of Bank of Maharashtra was screened. A power point presentation highlighting the various banks’ products was also shown.
Thereafter, interaction session with customers/clients was held. During the session various queries and complaints of the clients were redressed. Some customers speaking from the dais appreciated the culture and the services of the bank and suggested that such type of function should be held regularly so that customers can interact directly with the top management of the bank and can suggest various methods so that mutual problems can be understood properly and can be resolved amicably and customer service of the bank can also be improved.
While addressing the gathering outgoing Zonal Head of the Bank Sh. V.K. Sharma said that Bank always strive hard to make the customers happy and bank has tailor made schemes to serve the customers better. Sh. C.K. Verma, incoming Zonal Head of the Bank while welcoming the clients said that he has noted the various suggestions and grievances emerged during the meet and assured that the bank will leave no stone unturned to make the services of the bank best among the nationalized banks.
Chief Guest of occasion Dr. Kunwar Bechain presented his famous poems and Shayari in his own style. audience enjoyed his poems for an hour and cheered his poems putting their hands together.
The function was concluded with the vote of thanks proposed by Mr. Harshkant Sharma, Chief Manager (Rajbhasha).